December Training Series

December 12th & 13th Join us for our 2017 UDS Training and out Roadmap to Population Health: Getting Started with Social Determinants Data training. Click the title to learn more!

Help Us Fix the Cliff!

Contact your Senators and ask them to act immediately to fix the health center funding cliff! Click the title to take action!  

Three photos. Photo 1 shows a doctor's hands cupping a paper cut out of people holding hands in a circle. Photo 2 shows a digital screen with health-related icons and a hand pointing at the icons. Photo 3 shows a young, female doctor smiling with a patient and nurse behind her.

Do you need health care?

Click the title to find a health center near you.


The Clock Ran Out on CHC Funding

Patricia Ruiz de Somocucio of the American Cancer Society penned an opinion piece for the Star Tribune, asking the Minnesota delegation to rapidly reinstate federal funding of community health centers. Read the full story here.


Federal Health Care Funding for Uninsured and Low-income Children Set to Expire 9/30/2017

Closing in on the end of the federal fiscal year, community health centers and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) faced going over a funding cliff unless Congress took action to reauthorize funding. The Star Tribune's Glenn Howatt wrote about the impacts to safety-net health care without this crucial funding. Read the full story here.


How Congress Can Move Forward After Graham-Cassidy

The Star Tribune's editorial board highlighted the acute need for Congress to reauthorize funding for community health centers and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Read the full story here.


Putting Community Back into Community Health

During National Health Center Week (August 13-19, 2017), the Duluth News Tribune ran an editorial written by Dayle Patterson of Lake Superior Community Health Center, reporting on the crucial role community health centers play in providing care to our most vulnerable populations across the country and in Minnesota. Read the full story here.  


Safety Net Clinics in Minnesota Face Loss of Federal Funds

In July 2017, Glenn Howatt of the Star Tribune wrote: "As Congress debates health care, $27 million in federal aid for state's rural and needy is in jeopardy. Cutbacks and closures could follow." Congress has until September 30, 2017 to act to extend this critical funding. Read the full story here.